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ABEC 2021


Conference Date

7-8th December, 2021

Conference Time

9:00 AM - 5:00 PM


Nairobi, Kenya

ABEC 2021 Concept

ABEC 2021 took place at the Trademark Hotel in Nairobi, Kenya, from 7th – 8th December, 2021, with the theme “Business Ethics & Sustainability: A Case for Self-Regulation.” The conference occurred just before International Anti-Corruption Day and was a hybrid event, allowing both in-person and virtual participation.

The conference focuses on the following objectives:

  • Provide information and practical tools on successful business solutions to reduce corruption and promote self-regulation.
  • Highlight the importance of ethics and integrity in developing economic opportunity.
  • Provide a platform for constructive dialogue and engagement towards greater responsible business practices in delivering SDG 16: promoting just, peaceful, and inclusive societies.
  • Provide business and networking opportunities.

ABEC History

Africa Business Ethics Conference (ABEC) is an annual conference that brings together the private sector, government, civil society and the media fraternity to discuss issues around business ethics.
This forum, mooted and organized by Milestones Resource Solutions was first hosted in 2019 after which there have been four iterations in various regions of Africa including East Africa (Kenya), West Africa (Nigeria) and Southern Africa (Botswana). Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) has been a core funding partner of each of these conferences that have enabled national discourse on the law, policy, strategies and opportunities around the issues of business ethics.

Commencing with a physical gathering in 2019, ABEC welcomed 222 delegates from diverse nations including Kenya, the USA, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, France, and Mauritius. Evolving into a hybrid format in 2020, the conference adeptly adapted to global circumstances. By 2021, ABEC drew 430 delegates from a broad spectrum of countries, highlighting its expanding influence and outreach. Returning to a physical setting in 2023. 

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